Wednesday, 11 March 2015

"One day he will find you. He will touch you and you will feel a lifetime of indifference - of apathy melt away in a single moment. And you will ache for him. You will love him, in the way you walk a tightrope - in the way people learn to fall asleep in a war zone. You will bleed for him until the day he is gone. You will bleed for him every day after that. The time will pass and you will feel robbed - you will grow bitter. You will ask why, but you won't get an answer. And that is when the words will come."

Y 5:05 pm
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Friday, 10 October 2014

He said I'm hopeless and impossible to love.

I think I agree.

Y 11:07 pm
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Saturday, 20 September 2014

I am a paradox. I want to be happy, but I think of things that make me sad. I am lazy, yet I have huge ambitions. I don't like myself, but I also love the way I am. I say I don't care, but I really do. I crave attention, but reject it when it comes my way. I am a conflicted contradiction. I can't figure myself out.

Y 10:15 am
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Thursday, 28 August 2014

I either eat too much or starve myself. Sleep the entire day or have insomniac nights. Work my ass off or do nothing at all. Save all my money or splurge like a king. Fall in love deeply or hate passionately. I am an extremist. I don't know what grey is. I never did.

Y 1:00 am
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Friday, 4 April 2014

Ah, springtime. The time for budding leaves and flowers, for freshly hatched butterflies, and new love. It's the season of rebirth, when the world shakes off the icy grips of winter and starts the warm-up to summer. It's when sweet winds blow again and the day’s length starts marching back up toward solstice. 

Springtime is magic. Springtime is miracle. Springtime is proof that tough times don't last and good days will come.  

Y 10:04 pm
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Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Every day that anyone is here on this earth, living, is a blessing. Every day that a person who is plagued by mental difficulties is here on this earth, breathing, is a miracle. If your loved one is here with you, they are warriors for they are battling a fight many do not win. The decision to stay alive, in the midst of racing or abusive thoughts, minimal self-esteem, and feelings of hopelessness and/or worthlessness, is not an easy decision to make or to keep. But they have made it and are keeping this decision, often with you in mind. Do not take them for granted. 

Y 2:42 pm
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